School Supplies 2024-2025
5th Grade
5th Grade Supply List
Welcome to Bell! Please see the list below for needed supplies. If you purchased a PTA Supply Kit, you would only need to purchase any supplies not contained in the kit.
General Supplies
- Headphones with USB-C connection and a built-in microphone. Headphones must come to school every day.
- 1 Pencil case (not black)
- 1 box of colored pencils (8 count)
- 6 packs of sharpened pencils, 12-count
- 4 blue ink pens
- 2 glue sticks
- Poly two-pocket folder (red)
- Plastic two-pocket folder (green)
- Wide-ruled composition notebook (not black)
- Plastic two-pocket folder (not black)
Social Studies
- Wide-ruled composition notebook (blue)
- Plastic two-pocket folder (blue)
World Language
- Dry-erase whiteboard marker (ALL WL)
- Pack of 3 x 5 index cards (ALL WL)
- Plastic two-pocket folder (any color) (Durante)
- Wide-ruled composition notebook, 60-page (Durante, Dell’Olio, Brennan)
- 1 ½” or 2” 3-ring binder (Darling, Dell’Olio, Murphy)
- Pack of wide-ruled loose-leaf paper (Darling, Dell’Olio, Murphy)
6th Grade
6th Grade Supply List
Welcome to 6th grade! We hope you are having an enjoyable summer and we look forward to meeting you in September. We want to thank your parents in advance for supporting our organizational system. We believe that consistency with organization fosters your independence and provides you with the tools you need to be a successful 6th grader. You will receive a Bell School agenda, which you will use to keep track of your homework assignments.
Please bring in your supplies on the first day of school. Items that are starred (*) are NOT in the PTA supply kit. Those need to be purchased separately. If you DID NOT purchase a PTA Supply Kit, you will need to obtain ALL the supplies contained on this list.
General Supplies
- 1 pencil case for pens, pencils, highlighters
- 12 blue/black-ink pens
- 1 pk. colored pencils – 8 count or more
- 4 boxes (dozen per box) – sharpened #2 pencils
- 3 highlighters - any color
- 2 pk. 3x5 index cards
- 1 headphones USB-C connector w/built-in mic. They are mandatory and must be in school each day.
1 Black two-pocket folder, any design (must have black in it)
1 Black spiral notebook, 100 pages
Scientific calculator: You may use a scientific calculator that you already own. If you are purchasing a new calculator, we recommend the following calculator: Texas Instruments Scientific Calculator model # TI-30X IIS (or any scientific calculator with 2-line display).
1 Blue two-pocket folder, any design (must have blue in it)
1 marble composition book (any color)
- 1 Green two-pocket folder, any design (must have green in it)
- 1 Green spiral notebook, 100 pages
Social Studies
1 Red two-pocket folder, any design (must have red in it)
1 marble composition book (any color)
Family & Consumer Science
- 1 poly 2-pocket folder (any color)
7th Grade
7th Grade Supply List
Dear 7th-grade Students and Families,
We are excited to work with you during the 2024-2025 school year. We anticipate a year filled with wonderful experiences, and we hope it will be both challenging and enjoyable.
Please note that additional supplies may be required throughout the year. If you have already purchased a PTA Supply Kit, you will only need to buy any supplies from the provided list that are not included in the kit. However, if you have not purchased a PTA Supply Kit, you will need to obtain all of the supplies listed.
Thank you for your attention, and we look forward to a successful school year together.
General Requirements
- 1 dozen blue or black pens
- 3 dozen pencils, eraser caps, loose-leaf paper
- 1 headphones USB-C connector w/built-in mic (they are mandatory and must be in school each day)
- 1 pencil case
- 1 package 3x5 index cards
- 1 refillable water bottle (mandatory)
- 1 black plastic pocket folder with 3 fasteners (sometimes called a report cover)
- 1 additional plastic 2-pocket folder (any color)
- 1 marble composition notebook
- 1 pack of post-it notes
- 1 plastic 2-pocket folder
- 1 marble composition notebook
- 1 pkg ¼” graph paper
- 1 scientific calculator (TI-30IIXS)
- 1 ruler with metric measurements
- 1” binder
- 1 scientific calculator (TI-30IIXS) (share with science)
- 1 pocket folder → inserted into a binder (3-hole)
- 1 protractor (not needed until spring)
- 1 ruler (share with science)
- 1 pkg loose leaf paper
Social Studies
- 1” binder, any color
- 1 set 8 divider tabs
- 1 marble composition notebook
- 1 plastic 2-pocket folder
- 1 highlighter
8th Grade
8th Grade Supply List
Welcome to 8th grade! In order to help you with a smooth transition back to school in September, we are sending you a list of school supplies required by the 8th grade teachers. You are encouraged to reuse any of the following items that you have at home or from previous years. Please note that some teachers might request additional supplies in September.
General Supplies
- Erasable Pens - blue or black ink
- #2 Pencils and Mechanical pencils (with extra lead)
- Highlighters (assorted colors)
- Colored pencils
- 3 packages of 3-hole punched loose-leaf paper
- 2 Packages of thin dry-erase markers
- Small ruler (6 in)
- 3 Marble composition notebooks
- 4 Packs of post-it notes (any color)
- 2 Packs of graph paper
- 2 Wide-ruled, 1-subject spiral notebooks
- 1 Red 1-inch binder (with pockets)
- 4 packages of index cards (at least 1 pack of white 5x8, the rest in any size/color)
- Set of 8 dividers (NO PAPER TAB INSERTS)
- 4 Two-pocket folders (1 RED/3-hole punched)
- 1 Sturdy folder for homework assignments (some student prefer an accordion folder for this purpose)
- Wired headphones (grades 7 & 8 have two choices - all MS devices will have USB-C and the 7th & 8th Macbooks also have the headphone jack: anything like this will work fine (there are a variety of price points.)
*Calculator Information
We recommend that students have their own calculator; however, if a student does not purchase their own calculator, they will have the opportunity to borrow one from the school for the school year. These calculators are available in stores as well as online. Be sure to LABEL your calculators with your name in permanent ink.
Scientific calculator
Can be used for both the Math State Test, Biology class daily, and for the Biology Regents Exam where a graphing calculator will NOT be allowed. You may use a scientific calculator that you already own from 6th or 7th grade. If you are purchasing a new calculator, we recommend any scientific calculator with a 2-line display, like the following calculator:
Texas Instruments Scientific Calculator model #TI-30X IIS
Graphing Calculator
- Needed for both Algebra 8 and Enriched Algebra as well as in later high school courses. If you purchase a graphing calculator, we recommend one with a color display and rechargeable battery, like the following calculator:
- Texas Instruments TI-84 PLUS CE Graphing Calculator
Students should also make sure that their home computer & printer are ready to go as well.
Music Supplies
General Supplies
- Have instrument (rented or purchased) before the first day of school with name and “Bell” on case
- Folding wire music stand for at-home practice
Supplies by Instrument
- Rent or purchase glockenspiel (bell kit) and a practice pad or snare drums for at-home practice
- Drum sticks and hard mallets (with your name on them) for school use
- Swab
Clarinet and Saxophone
- 1x Box of ten reeds (strength 1.5 or 2)
- Swab
- Cork Grease
Trumpet and Trombone
- 1x Valve/Slide oil
General Supplies
- Have instrument (rented or purchased) before the first day of school with name and “Bell” on case
- Music Stand for practice at home
- Rosin - Violin/Viola/Cello or Bass
- Luggage Tag so instruments can be labeled by name
- (Optional) Snark Tuner used to help with tuning instruments
Supplies by Instrument:
- Shoulder Rest Notes: Some violin/viola cases do not have space to keep the shoulder rest inside.
String instruments are assigned depending on the size of the player. If your child is in school I am happy to measure them as well.
Click here for more information. Don’t worry…. it’s easy
Rental Information:
- Ardsley Music: 914-693-6639 (delivers to school)
- Mike Risko Music: 914-762-8757 (delivers to school)
- Music & Arts: 914-241-0689
- DZ Strad Violin Shop: 914-831-7415
- Radovich & Dean Music: 845-225-4515
- Paul Effman Music: 845-452-8528 (delivers to school)
Non-local companies who have very good instruments and will ship rentals to you.
- Johnson String Instrument, MA: 800-359-9351 Ext. 120
- John Keal, Albany: 800-544-6631
- Long Island Violin Shop: 631-427-3569
General Supplies
- An open mind and team spirit.
- A charger for computer device.
- Adaptor: USB-C to head phone jack connector.
- Non-bluetooth headphones. Simple headphones for music.
- A water bottle what has a strong seal with your name on it.
General Music
General Supplies
- An open mind and team spirit.
- A charger for computer device.
- Adaptor: USB-C to head phone jack connector.
- Non-bluetooth headphones. Simple headphones for music.
- Respect for all materials and instruments in the classroom.
World Language
World Language Supply Lists
- (1) Plastic pocket folder
- (1)3 Ring (1-inch) binder
- (5) Tabbed dividers
- (1) Package of loose leaf paper
- (1) Composition notebook
- (1)Plastic pocket folder
- (1) Composition notebook
- (1) 3 Ring (1-inch) binder
- (5) Tabbed dividers
- (1) Package of loose leaf paper